These are the stories of our journeys around the world shooting videos for non-profits and NGOs.


Ferrys & Airplanes

Ferrys & Airplanes

November 8, 2016

Today ended up being solely a travel day. We arrived at Port au Prince around 9:00am. After dealing with our mosquito net not making it and “filing a claim” at the Port au Prince airport (where the look that was given to us from the airline baggage representative taking our claim basically said, “yeeeeah, you’re … Read More

Capturing Others’ Life Changing Experiences

Capturing Others’ Life Changing Experiences

May 12, 2016

It came together last minute for us to shoot some interviews this morning before our flight home. So we woke up before the sun and got picked up by a driver to go to Hotel Montana, a historic hotel in Port au Prince where World Vision Haiti was hosting an event called “Movement Day”. There … Read More

Learning to be Flexible

Learning to be Flexible

May 11, 2016

It’s hard to believe today was our last day in Hinche! However we are thankful for the fact that we will be going home tomorrow. Both David and I didn’t sleep very well, and woke up feeling like we’d been hit by a bus. Just so exhausted, emotionally and physically. We enjoyed what might be our … Read More

Culture Shock Hits Hard

Culture Shock Hits Hard

May 10, 2016

Today was our toughest and best day so far. We didn’t have any flat tires or missed expectations, as we did yesterday. Today was tough for different reasons.Today we were honored and blessed to be invited into the lives of Haitians here in Hinche. We walked with them to school, were welcomed into their homes, … Read More

Flat Tires & Other Roadblocks

Flat Tires & Other Roadblocks

May 9, 2016

Today started with a series of events that concerned me. It started by us going down to meet our team leader for breakfast, only to find that after texting him and knocking on his door with no response, we had to began breakfast without him. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of being in an … Read More

Heavenly Voices

Heavenly Voices

May 8, 2016

We arrived at the location we will be staying at for the next three days, which is a guest house just outside of Hinche. It’s actually a whole property/compound owned by the Catholic Church with a church building for local priests and nuns, and guest houses for missionaries and guests of partner organizations such as … Read More