
Today we arrived in Port Au Prince and immediately drove to the central plateau of Haiti. It was a beautiful 2.5-3 hour drive from Port Au Prince with windy roads and rolling green hills. What a stark difference there is in the terrain by just getting over the mountains. Haiti is beautiful, and getting out into the rural area is so different. They have literal mud and stick huts for homes with no electricity. Most of them are just 1 room, of which a lot are leaning. The nicer ones are made of wood planks or a concrete mud mix that have multiple rooms, an actual door, and/or slats over windows.


The community we went to was called Savane Plate. They have a local garden grown by the community with World Vision sponsorship. They grow papaya trees and lots of other local crops. We saw a couple of their water wells where the community can access clean water. World Vision puts the wells in and then the community is responsible for maintenance and repair.


We also saw a sugar cane processing place where they make sugar to sell to support their community. So cool to witness the process!


World Vision also created a lake in the community for the kids to swim in. We got some fun footage of three boys jumping in and swimming around. Such a great fun place for kids to be kids. That's a huge benefit of World Vision communities, it allows kids the opportunity more to be kids.
